Learn about the building of New Kingdom

“So…What is New Kingdom Like?”
Jack Dunbar Jack Dunbar

“So…What is New Kingdom Like?”

Hopefully, through the metaphors and comparisons in this post you are getting a sense of what New Kingdom is like and whether you and your friends or family will actually enjoy playing it! I can of course, say much more about this game, but that will be the topic of future posts on this blog and on our Facebook page and Instagram. As always if you are curious about anything, please email me and let me know what questions I failed to address that are still lingering for you about New Kingdom!

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“You Cannot Build New Kingdom in a Day…”
Jack Dunbar Jack Dunbar

“You Cannot Build New Kingdom in a Day…”

When I first started out to design New Kingdom I had a ton of ideas and concept drawings like the thumbnail for this post, but the one thing I was crystal clear about was that I wanted not just the cards but the mechanics to feel as theologically sound as possible. I wanted to capture what it was like to actually live a life of faith awaiting the New Kingdom!

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“You Should Make a Game!”
Jack Dunbar Jack Dunbar

“You Should Make a Game!”

That was the sentence, the challenge, that started this project. A simple discussion with a close friend and New Kingdom was underway. Of course, there is some backstory to this challenge, and we will fill that in as we go. Before we get too far though, let me clarify why get into the process at all.

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