a new game by Jack Dunbar
Dark clouds gather from the four corners of the Earth. The Sun bleeds red as its warmth fades. Unholy aberrations shriek in the pale horizon as fog sets in all around. The humans gather in the streets or hide in whatever hole they can find. Their fear breeds an unnatural silence.
The end is here.
you have been called…
A great light bursts from the Heavens. You, the mighty angels and saints who stand in the throne room and serve on the heavenly council solemnly descend. You are the final defense against a torrent of horror and chaos.
The Lord’s work is not yet complete. Though they are few in these dark days, there are still souls to save. Resolute in your cause, you prepared for battle as your feet contact the Earth and you take a corporeal form for the last time.

He will have His victory, of that you are sure. Your victory, however, is not guaranteed. Your foes are mighty, and their minions relentless. You turn to your left and see your companion who nods reassuringly. You two were sent, called, to defend the defenseless. He trusts you. This tribulation, though daunting, will not be faced alone. In the distance you see your target. Its eyes...or something like them…blazing with fury.
You nod back to your companion. It is time.
Tribulation is a scenario-driven cooperative tactical card game with a dark, biblically-inspired fantasy setting for 1-2 players. You play as an agent of the Lord holding the forces of evil at bay at the end of the world to give humanity one last chance.
In Tribulation you succeed if you vanquish the forces of evil before they defeat you and your teammate. In a solo game, you control two agents of the Lord. If both are destroyed before you can vanquish your foes, you lose. The primary mechanism of Tribulation is tactical combat via card play and action management. You move your character through 3 zones, play cards from your hand to resolve actions, and rest to regain action points, cards and health at strategic intervals. Tribulation can be played as a one-off battle game or a progressive campaign-style game with an advancing narrative and character progression between battles.