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Have you heard about Prestige?

This is the first game by Kingdoms of the Earth designed by Joseph “Fritz” Paull II and Illustrated by Terri “Chienyi” Ogwulumba. At the dawn of civilization, great tribes that once rivaled each other decided to abandon their conflicts, and form an alliance. At the heart of this alliance stood the foundations of what can be a great city; the fate of which is now in your hands.  

Here are some highlights for Prestige:

  • Prestige is a semi-cooperative, asymmetrical, city-building card game.

  • In this game, players embody a tribe. Each tribe has their own strengths and values.

  • Each player gets a deck of city cards associated with their tribe, which represents the people of those tribes. These cards are mixed into a communal deck.

  • Players then build up the city by taking turns playing cards.

  • Each player must choose to look out for the good of the city as a whole, or promote their own people's influence at the potential cost of the city's survival.

Interested in testing? Scroll down.


Prestige the city-building card game is crowdfunding July 9, 2024

Want to play test?

I am so glad you are interested in our projects at New Kingdom Gaming! If you are interested in testing with us please send me an email and let me know a little bit about your play testing or board gaming experience (even if its not much more than a few frustrated games of that famous economy-based game you remember both loving and hating as a child). I’d also love to hear how you found our site and why you are interested in testing our games.


  • Kingdoms of the Earth is a subdivision of New Kingdom Gaming focused on publishing other designers aside from Jack Dunbar. These designs are not biblically-inspired or biblically-themed. The mission of Kingdoms of the Earth is to celebrate designers, their games, their communities and the causes they hold dear. As such a portion of sales go to charities of the designers’ choosing.

  • Prestige will be available for pre-order via crowdfunding in July of 2024.

  • Thank you for wanting to help make New Kingdom Gaming a success. If you are interested in investing, co-creating with me, or supporting me please contact me at jack@newkingdomgaming.com

    Also sharing and following on social media is something you can do to help spread awareness for our games!

    Finally, pray! I believe praying is one of the greatest things we can do for one another.

  • Prestige is a project by a Christian designer published through our design arm, Kingdoms of the Earth. This company is focused on celebrating designers, communities, and giving back to charities (at least 10% of gross profit quarterly).

    While Prestige is not biblically themed it is in no way offensive or challenging to the narrative or theology of a biblical worldview. I am excited about Prestige as a new project that will help advance the mission of New Kingdom Gaming.

Timeline for Prestige


Aug. 2023


We signed Fritz on for Kingdoms of the Earth with Prestige in August 2023.

Aug.-Dec. 2023


Join the hype and share the excitement for our brother Fritz and his amazing game, Prestige! It’s a short countdown to crowdfunding.

Jan 2024-June 2024


This is when Prestige will really be ramping up! Follow along so you don’t miss a thing!

July 2024


We will launch Prestige on Kickstarter in July of 2024. Join the movement!


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